Kyle is a modern monoline serif font family with a typewriter touch. It changes its character with increasing weight: The glyphs have sharp, triangular serifs that gain momentum as the weight grows. The serifs change their shape from an almost slab-like typewriter form to sturdy triangular extremities, giving the font a strong standing and a lot of character. The heavier styles develop headline quality, showing detail that attracts attention and makes Kyle a good choice for a wide range of uses. The seven roman styles are accompanied by corresponding italics. They feature letter shapes that are tightly connected to the roman, yet flowing and playful, adding a surprisingly emotional pairing-option to the family.

The family is well equipped for todays typographic needs, including the most commonly used OpenType features like lining figures, ordinals, superior numbers and fractions. It also has an extended character set containing more than 800 glyphs supporting Eastern European languages as well as Central- and Western European languages. Additionally it contains many practical symbols. The spacing of the letters was adjusted with care, preventing language-typical spacing issues. Extensive testing in all common European languages leads to comfortable reading.


Extra Light
Extra Light Italic
Light Italic
Regular Italic
Medium Italic
Extra Bold
Extra Bold Italic
Black Italic
Type here…

Kyle ExtraLight   •   Size: px  •  Italiano


Kyle Regular Italic  •   Size: px  •  Italiano

Situata nel mar Tirreno, l'isola di Stromboli appartiene all'arcipelago delle Isole Eolie e si trova più a nord rispetto alle altre isole dell’arcipelago. La storia geologica dell'isola di Stromboli comincia circa 200.000 anni fa, quando un primo vulcano attivo di grandi dimensioni emerge dal mare, in posizione NE rispetto all'isola; di questo vulcano antico rimane soltanto il condotto solidificato (neck) rappresentato da Strombolicchio.

Kyle Medium   •   Size: px  •  English

Tales about the Bermuda Triangle (also known as the Devil's Triangle), a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are claimed to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances, date to the early 1950s. And rumors of a tantalizing crystal pyramid found on ocean's floor go back at least as far as the 1960s, which is when a Dr. Ray Brown claimed he came upon such a structure while scuba diving in the Bahamas, as detailed in this 1980 clip from an In Search of... segment on the Bimini Wall (an underwater rock formation near North Bimini island in the Bahamas): As frequently seems to happen with such earth-shaking paranormal discoveries, however, "Dr. Brown's photographic equipment was destroyed in the storm," thus making it impossible for anyone else to examine or verify "a detailed record of the find." And after his supposed incredible discovery of a crystal Atlantean pyramid.

Kyle Regular Italic  •   Size: px  •  Française

Lorsque le magma remonte, il subit en même temps un dégazage ce qui provoque une vibration constante et très légère du sol appelé trémor. Lorsque la lave atteint l'air libre, c'est le début de l'éruption et elle se termine lorsqu'il n'y a plus de lave émise. Les éruptions sont classées selon le type de lave et le type de projections volcaniques émises. Il peut survenir d'autres phénomènes accompagnant l'éruption : séismes importants, glissements de terrain, tsunamis, etc. Une éruption volcanique peut durer de quelques heures à plusieurs années et éjecter des volumes de magma de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres cubes. Les gaz que les volcans émettent sont majoritairement constitués d'eau, de chlorures, de carbonates et de sulfates. Il y a aussi du gaz carbonique et de l'oxyde de carbone, du méthane, de l'ammoniaque et de l'acide chlorhydrique. On appelle fumerolles les faibles émissions de gaz lors des périodes d'accalmie.

Kyle Regular   •   Size: px  •  Español


Kyle ExtraLight   •   Size: px  •  English


Kyle Regular   •   Size: px  •  Español

El volcán Estrómboli se eleva 924 metros sobre el nivel del mar,2​ pero tiene en realidad una altitud de 2000 metros sobre el suelo oceánico. Hay tres cráteres activos en la cumbre. Una característica geológica significativa del volcán es la Sciara del Fuoco («Carretera de fuego»), una gran depresión en forma de herradura generada en los últimos 13 000 años por varios colapsos en la cara noroeste del cono. Por ella descienden hasta el mar los bloques de lava y fuego después de cada una de las frecuentes explosiones. Desde la cima de este volcán se puede observar en directo el magma incandescente. El ascenso hasta el cono volcánico del Estrómboli se realiza por la tarde, para llegar a las bocas eruptivas (200 metros por debajo de la cima) al anochecer. El recorrido, de unas seis horas, no es sencillo, especialmente en el último tramo donde la fina escoria volcánica hace que se retroceda dos pasos por cada uno que se avanza. Sin embargo, los estallidos centelleantes con que el volcán recibe al visitante compensan cualquier esfuerzo. La subida finaliza a 364 m sobre el nivel del mar. el cráter, un inmenso embudo que expulsa constantes fumarolas y del que emanan vapores de azufre entre 100 y 200 °C. La última erupción violenta se produjo en 1930 y desde entonces está en permanente vigilancia. La última erupción empezó el 9 de octubre de 2022. Las explosiones de fuego y lava se repiten rítmicamente cada 20 minutos, y como prólogo a cada erupción se oye un potente rugido, el suelo tiembla y finalmente surgen los fogonazos.


Character name A
Unicode (Hex) 0041
Credits & details
Styles 14 Styles
Designers Alexander Rütten & Olivia Wood
Release Date May 2024
Formats otf, ttf, woff, woff2
Supported languages
  • Afrikaans
  • Albanian
  • Basque
  • Bosnian
  • Breton
  • Catalan
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Estonian
  • Faroese
  • Finnish
  • French
  • Frisian
  • Galician
  • Gaelic
  • German
  • Greenlandic
  • Hungarian
  • Icelandic
  • Indonesian
  • Irish
  • Italian
  • Kurdish (Latin)
  • Leonese
  • Latvian
  • Lituanian
  • Luxembourgish
  • Malagasy
  • Malay
  • Norwegian
  • Occitan
  • Philipino (Tagalog)
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Rhaeto-Romanic
  • Romanian
  • Saami
  • Serbian
  • Slovak
  • Slovene
  • Sorbian
  • Spanish
  • Swahili
  • Swedish
  • Tahitian
  • Turkish
  • Walloon